Kalpakala - An abode of artists

An Abode of Artists

Get inspired by soulful art creations and cultural heritage.

Become a part of community of artists and art lovers!






Design of Things

Handmade, thoughtful, hence beautiful

Design inspiration for your everyday and special needs. thanksgiving, handmade gifts for your loved ones, book covers, celebrations and much more!

Let's create a utopia of designs


Ideas, colors and magic

Pickup anything you see as a canvas and breath life into it with your creativity. Blend the power of colors and magic of strokes!

Paint the way you love it


Lights, camera and action

Be it a smartphone snap or professional work, are you ready to showcase your most creative and striking photographs? Exquisite landscapes, food, architecture and what not!

Show your incredible lense craft


Stories that nourish the soul

Box full of stories brought to you by our volunteers! A wide range of stories from mythology, folk tales, fiction, childhood memories and many to come!

Pick your story now!